Work history
President, Harvey Locke Conservation Inc: Strategic consulting services for non-government organizations, governments, and philanthropists in the fields of global biodiversity policy, nature positive, climate-nature nexus, nature finance, national parks and large landscape conservation, 2018 to present.
Vice Chair for Nature Positive, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, 2023 to present.
Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force, 2016 to 2023.
Principal, Harvey Locke Consulting: Strategic consulting services and public speaking for governments, non-government organizations and philanthropists in the fields of large landscape conservation, national parks, wilderness and climate change and non-hierarchical organization, 2012 to 2018 and 2003 to 2008.
Vice President for Conservation Strategy, The WILD Foundation, Boulder, Colorado, USA: development and implementation of global Nature Needs Half movement; executive committee 9th and 10th World Wilderness Congresses, facilitation of international meetings and thinking on large landscape conservation and the interface between climate change and nature conservation, 2009 to 2011.
Senior Program Officer for the Environment, Henry P. Kendall Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (01-Visa), 1999 to 2002.
Lawyer and Partner, Mackimmie Matthews law firm, Calgary, Alberta, 1984 to 1998.
President, Harvey Locke Conservation Inc.
Vice Chair for Nature Positive, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
Co-founder and Strategic Advisor, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Co-founder, Nature Needs Half Movement
Co-founder, Nature Positive global goal
Core Group Member, Nature Positive Initiative
Senior Fellow, China Insitute, University of Alberta
Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Member, IUCN World Commission on Protected Area, since 1995
Member, IUCN Species Survival Commision, Bison Specialist Group, since 2016
Honorary Doctor of Laws, Faculties of Science and Graduate Studies, University of Calgary (2018)
Wilburforce Conservation Leadership Award (2018)
Fred M. Packard International Parks Merit Award, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (2014)
Canadian Council on Ecological Areas Gold Leaf Award (2014)
J.B. Harkin Medal for Conservation, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (2013)
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2013)
Nil Nisi Optimum Distinguished Alumnus, Stratchcona Tweedsmuir School (2013)
“Wilderness Visionary”, WILD 9, World Wilderness Congress, Merida, Mexico (2009)
US Citizenship and Immigration Services, O-1
Visa awarded for non-Americans with Nobel Prize or equivalent status in their field (1999 and 2009)
Time magazine, recognized as one of Canada’s Leaders for the 21st century (1999)
University of Calgary, Bachelor of Laws (Juris Doctor), 1984 (silver medal)
University of Calgary, Bachelor of Arts (French), 1980
University of Ottawa, visiting student, 1978-79
College Wildhorn, Anzère, Switzerland, 1976
Strathcona Tweedsmuir School, De Winton, Alberta, 1975
Public and Volunteer Service
2017-2018: Member of the National Advisory Panel for Canada Target 1 (Aichi Target 11)
2016-17: Executive committee, Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference
2001 to present: Trustee, Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation
1992 to present: Chair, Foundation for Canadian Parks and Wilderness
1999 to 2009: Chair, J.B. Harkin Medal Committee
1997 to 2006: Trustee, Montana Chapter Nature Conservancy of Montana
1985- 1995 and 1997 to 2003: President or Vice President, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
1999 to 2001: President, The Wildlands Project
1995-1997: President, Alberta Liberal Party
1990-1991: Chair, Environmental Law subsection, Alberta Branch, Canadian Bar Association
Scholarly standing (from Google Scholar) and University guest lectures
Citations, 6247
h-index, 26
i10-index, 46
Tsinghua University, Yale University, Tufts University, Williams College, University of Washington, University of Wyoming, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Colorado State University, University of Montana, Montana State University, University of Missouri, University of Utah, Dixie State University, Universidad de Oviedo, Shanghai Normal University, University of North Sumatra, Dalhousie University, Queen’s University, University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario, McMaster University, Trent University, University of Waterloo, University of Calgary, University of Alberta, Mount Royal University, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria.
Public and Symposium Speaking
Global Nature Positive Summit, Sydney, Australia, closing plenary
World Biodiversity Summit, Cali, Colombia, keynote
World Trails Conference, Ottawa, Canada , keynote
World Climate Summit, London, UK, Keynote
International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, keynote
IUCN World Conservation Congress, Marseille, France, keynote
Lancement des Lignes directrices de l’UICN pour la conservation de la connectivité par le biais de réseaux et de corridors écologiques, Québec
International Symposium on National Park Legislation and Spatial Form, Tsinghua University
Swedish Department of the Environmnet, Stockholm
Green Growth and Sustainable Development, Vietnam National University
First World Nature Conservation Forum, Shenzhen, China
ASEAN Heritage Parks Conference, Pakse, Lao
Caribbean and Latin American Protected Areas Congress, Lima, Peru
Nature Champions Summit, Montreal, Canada
Chinese Academy of Sciences - National Geographic Society, Beijing, China
China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, Hangzhou,
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK
Convention on Biological Diversity COP 14, Sharm El Sheik, Egypt: Side Event - Building Post-2020 Conservation Targets Based on What Nature Needs
Convocation speaker, University of Calgary, Faculty of Science and Faculaty of Graduate Studies
Zoological Society of London, UK, Space for Nature Symposium: Nature Needs Half
WGBH Boston, Innovation IdeaLab: Nature Needs Half
George Wright Society, Norfolk, Virginia, opening keynote
University of North Sumatra, Faculty of Forestry, Indonesia,
Shanghai Normal University Tourism Institute, Conference on China’s National Parks, Shanghai, China
American Bison Society, Banff, Alberta, keynote: Bison conservation and restoration in North America and launch of book The Last of theBuffalo Return to the Wild, Harvey Locke, ed.
World Ranger Congress, Estes Park, Colorado, keynote
Interviews around the world in English, French and Spanish for print media, television, radio, and film.
Appearances in many films about national parks, wildife, wilderness and large landscape conservation around the world including PBS Nova (USA), CBC The Nature of Things (Canada), ZDF /Der Speigel TV(Germany), National Geographic UK.
Photographs published in books, magazines, websites and newspapers around the world including Escala, Sanctuary Asia, Globe and Mail, Wildlife Conservation, Canadian Geographic, Explore, Backpacker, New York Times, Agence France Press, Washington Post. Photos in exhibits at American Museum of Natural History, New York, National Museum of Wildife Art, Jackson, Wyoming, and Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff.
Becoming Nature Positive, 2025. Marco Lambertini, Joseph W. Bull, Leroy Little Bear, Harvey Locke, Eva Zabey, Dorothy Maseke, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez. Peter Vanham Publishing, Nature Positive Initiative.
“A Nature-Positive World: The Global Goal for Nature”, 2021. Harvey Locke; Johan Rockström;
Peter Bakker; Manish Bapna; Mark Gough; Jodi Hilty; Marco Lambertini; Jennifer Morris; Paul Polman; Carlos M. Rodriguez; Cristián Samper; M. Sanjayan; Eva Zabey; Patricia Zurita.
“Land use-induced spillover: a call to action to safeguard environmental, animal, and human health” Raina K Plowright, et al including Harvey Locke, 2021. The Lancet Planetary Health, Vol.5, Issue 4,
“Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors”, 2020. J Hilty
et al including Harvey Locke, IUCN World Commmsion on Protected Areas, Gland, Switzerland. DOI:10.2305/IUCN.CH.2020.PAG.30.en
“Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat” L.A.Garibaldi et al. including Harvey Locke 2021, Conservation Letters, 14:e12773.
“Ecological civilization: China's effort to build a shared future for all life on Earth” 2021. Fuwen Wei, Shuhong Cui, Ning Liu, Jiang Chang, Xiaoge Ping, Tianxiao Ma, Jing Xu, Ronald R Swaisgood, Harvey Locke, July 2021, National Science Review, Volume 8, Issue 7,
“Three Global Conditions for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use: an implementation framework” Harvey Locke, Erle C. Ellis, Oscar Venter, Richard Schuster, Keping Ma, Xiaoli Shen, Stephen Woodley, Naomi Kingston, Nina Bhola, Bernardo N Strassburg, Axel Pauslch, Brooke Williams and James Watson, 2019, National Science Review, Oxford Univeristy Press
"The International Movement to Protect Half the World: Origins, Scientific Foundations, and Policy Implications", 2018. Harvey Locke, Reference Module Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Elsevier.
“An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm”, 2017. E Dinerstein et al. inclunding Harvey Locke, BioScience2017 bix014. doi: 10.1093/biosci/bix014
The Last of the Buffalo Return to the Wild, 2016. Harvey Locke ed. Summerthought Press, Banff
“Gravel-bed river floodplains are the ecological nexus of glaciated mountain landscapes”, 2016. F. Richard Hauer, Harvey Locke, Victoria J.Dreitz, Mark Hebblewhite, Winsor H. Lowe, Clint C. Muhlfeld, Cara R. Nelson, Science Advances doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1600026
“Yellowstone to Yukon: Global Conservation Innovations through the Years”, 2015. Harvey Locke and Karsten Heuer in Protecting the Wild:Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation Edited by George Wuerthner, Eileen Crist and Tom Butler, Island Press
“India’s Opportunity to Lead the World in Recognizing that Nature Needs Half”, 2014. Harvey Locke Sanctuary Asia (cover story),, Mumbai, India
“Why Nature Needs Half: a Necessary and Hopeful Agenda for Parks and Protected Areas”, 2013. Harvey Locke, PARKS: The InternationalJournal for Parks and Protected Areas, 19, no. 2. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland,
“Foreword”, 2013. Harvey Locke in Linking Australia’s Landscapes; Lessons and Opportunies from Large-scale Conservation Networks, J.Fitzsimons, I.Pulsford and G.Wescott eds., CSIRO, Collinwood,Victoria, Australia
Yellowstone to Yukon: the Journey of Wildlife and Art, 2012, Harvey Locke editor, National Museum of Wildife and Art of the UnitedStates, Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colorado
“Bolder Thinking for Conservation”, 2011, R. Noss et al. including Harvey Locke, Conservation Biology, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1-4, Society for ConservationBiology
Professional Conference Organization
Executive Committees :
2016: IUCN Transboundary Specialist Group Hands Across the Borders Global Workshop East Glacier, Montana &
Connectivity Session, IUCN World Conservation Congress, Hawai’i, USA
2006 to 2013: WILD 10, World Wilderness Congress, Salamanca, Spain: WILD 9, World Wilderness Congress, Merida, Mexico, and
8th World Wilderness Congress, Anchorage, Alaska
2005: “Protecting the World’s Mountain Corridors and Peace Parks”, Banff, Alberta
2003: Environmental Grantmakers Assocation Fall Retreat, Ottawa, Ontario
2002: Consultaltive Group on Biological Diversity Annual Retreat, Field, British Columbia