We are building global momentum to scale up conservation of nature beyond the Aichi Targets for Biodiversity set at the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2010. The Task Force is part of the process to ensure the new global conservation targets set at the next Conference of the Parties of the CBD in early 2021, are meaningful for achieving the conservation of nature and the halting of biodiversity loss.

Informed by the best available science and a range of perspectives from around the world, the Task Force will ask and seek to answer what are truly sustainable conservation targets for all ecoregions, both marine and terrestrial, while considering the varying ecological and social conditions of the world.
Keep up with the post-2020 process leading up to the Convention on Biological Diversity, get the latest international nature conservation news, and explore valuable resources.


Nature Needs Half is a movement to protect at least half of the world in an interconnected way.

We are calling for a global deal for nature based on what Nature needs. Nature is the context

for all the life including humans. We all depend on it for the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. To kill off another species directly through excessive harvesting or indirectly through habitat loss is wrong. It is high time to get our relationship right with the natural world.

Protecting half of nature is more than wishful thinking. Setting aside half of all land and water for nature is not only possible but necessary. Nature Needs Half is a growing global social movement: a network of individuals, groups, scientists, industries, businesses, and governments working towards a shared idea – protecting half of nature in an interconnected way.
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